Shiatsu with Horses

The author began developing her pioneering shiatsu techniques for horses in 1983 when a client asked her to help a severely injured horse with his pain after he reared and fell over backwards. Everyone had given up on him because of the severity of his skeletal injuries. Working instinctively, Pamela was able to help him to become sound after six months of inactivity and pain. She went on to share her work with horse owners and handlers around the world. The shiatsu techniques in this book will enable you to give your horse a basic session, covering techniques for his entire body that will relax, improve circulation, help prevent injury, and much more. Most importantly, they will improve communication between you and your horse. The techniques are explained so that the body of the practitioner may become more strong and flexible. Practising these techniques is conducive to centring the mind as well as the body of the practitioner and improving concentration.