Care Homes, Children, Empowerment

Shiatsu and Children Development – Samurai Program

The Samurai-Program encourages age-appropriate development, and personal safety and responsibility through touch, movement, and awareness training.
Mental Health

Shiatsu for Mental Health

Patients particularly appreciate these sessions and often report discovering a new state of well-being
Children, Hospitals, Palliative Care

Shiatsu Projects in Hospitals in France

Since September 2003, the Ecole de Shiatsu Thérapeutique de Paris (EST) has been working in partnership with hospitals in a number of locations around Paris.
Empowerment, Mental Health

Shiatsu and Mental Health

I use kindness and listening to create a safe place to talk and receive body work – this is sometimes the only place they receive any physical touch.
Empowerment, General

Shiatsu – A Way Of Life

Shiatsu can do a lot to benefit people and provide personal autonomy. No tools – just our hands. It’s incredible! If one day we find that we have to look after ourselves, Shiatsu will come in handy.
Empowerment, Hospitals

Shiatsu for Mothers of Premature Babies

Our aim was to strengthen the mothers, so they could be physically, mentally and emotionally available for their babies and promote breast feeding.
Cancer, Hospitals

Shiatsu and Pain Management for End-of-life Patients

Pain therapy for end-of-life patients and people with pain due to degenerative disease, medical intervention or other complex illnesses
Alzheimer, Care Homes

Shiatsu for Severe Alzheimer’s Sufferers

Shiatsu and Aromatherapy have positive effects on the reduction of behavioral disorders in Alzheimer’s patients
Cancer, Hospitals

Support of Cancer Patients with Shiatsu

A single shiatsu session can have a considerable effect on the reduction of chemotherapy-related symptoms.

Supporting Psychotherapists and Counsellors with Shiatsu

Therapists take care of others, hear their stories and support them in their difficulties. Receiving Shiatsu creates more balance in the giving and receiving of support.