Care Homes, Children, Empowerment

Shiatsu and Children Development – Samurai Program

The Samurai-Program encourages age-appropriate development, and personal safety and responsibility through touch, movement, and awareness training.
Children, Hospitals, Palliative Care

Shiatsu Projects in Hospitals in France

Since September 2003, the Ecole de Shiatsu Thérapeutique de Paris (EST) has been working in partnership with hospitals in a number of locations around Paris.
Children, Hospitals

Shiatsu at Hippokratio Pain Clinic

The possibility of using Shiatsu as a complementary tool for chronic pain management became clear to the doctors who had the opportunity to observe Shiatsu sessions.
Children, Empowerment

The ‘Shiatsu Giovani’ Project

Shiatsu helps the children discover two very important aspects of themselves: they experience their boundaries and learn to enjoy their bodies.
Children, Hospitals

Shiatsu at Schneider Children’s Hospital, Israel

Shiatsu helps manage physical and mental symptoms and side effects and improves quality of life as a complement to conventional cancer treatments.
Children, Hospitals

Shiatsu Internship For Child Psychosomatics

Shiatsu helps the children discover two very important aspects of themselves: they experience their boundaries and learn to enjoy their bodies.